沪伦通打通了全世界最大的资本市场之一跟领先的国际化市场之间的通道。它使全球投资者可以通过伦敦这个平台从中国的增长中获益,而伦敦证交所的上市公司则能直接接触中国投资者。 这一项目中包含了许多前所未有的创举: 外国公司得以首次在中国大陆上市,同时上海证券交易所(SSE)的上市公司则能首次通过可与其境内股票相互...
The settlement said nothing about London's financial markets, however, there may well now be finance firms planning to transfer their focus to other European banking centers. Where does all this leave the Shanghai-London stock connect, China's financial tie with UK markets? The...
沪伦通(Shanghai-London Stock Connect),即上海证券交易所与 伦敦证券交易所互联互通机制(connectivity mechanism between the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange),符合条件的两地上市公司可依照对方市场的法律法规发 行存托凭证(Depositary Receipt,DR),并在对方市场上市交易。 存托凭证(Depositary ...
该文档可以在资源页面下载。会员公司还应参阅2018年11月26日发布的服务公告,网址为https://www.londonstockexchange.com/resources/service-announcements 交易后有哪些安排? 本地交易将遵循伦敦证券交易所的规则,使得全球投资者首次有机会根据伦敦规则和时间交易中国大陆的证券。沪伦通的清算通过伦敦清算所(LCH)进行,结算...
Zhou Yi, chairman and president of Huatai Securities, said: "Shanghai-London Stock Connect is the first of its kind to directly link the Chinese and European markets and a strategic component of China's capital markets opening up." "The programme offers us access to one of the deepest and...
BEIJING, June 17 (Xinhua) -- The Shanghai-London Stock Connect program opened for trading Monday as brokerage Huatai Securities became the first Chinese company to list in Britain via the long-awaited mechanism. Under the stock connect mechanism, Shanghai-listed companies can list on the London...
The “Shanghai-London Stock Connect Scheme”,refers to eligible listed companies in the two places issue Depository Receipt (hereinafter referred to as DR) in accordance with the laws and regulations of the other market . The DR can be listed and traded in the other market. At the same ...
The article examines that the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) released the Provisions on the Supervision and Administration of Depositary Receipts under the Stock Connect Scheme between Shanghai Stock Exchange and London Stock Exchange to solicit public opinion on Augu...
London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) today welcomes Huatai Securities, the technology-enabled securities group in China, as the first issuer using Shanghai-London Stock Connect. Huatai Securities has been admitted to trading on the Shanghai Segment of the Main Market of London Stock ...
China and Britain are working hand in hand to advance a connect program linking the stock exchanges in Shanghai and London. That's according to Ma Jun, chief economist at the People's Bank of China. Officials from China and the city of London met in Beijing on Tuesday to discuss ...