是有史以来全球最大规模、亚洲最高等级的古埃及文物出境展 。现场人山人海,一票难求,看完之后忍不住感叹:埃及文明太超前了! The land of the pharaohs Egypt is the gift of the Nile.The river cuts through the vastness of desert to flow into the Mediterra- nean Sea, marking the ancient world's m...
788 ancient artifacts from 7 Egyptian museums met the public starting Wednesday at the Shanghai Museum. The "Summit of the Pyramid: Ancient Egyptian Civilization" exhibition, running from July 19 to August 17, 2025, is the largest of its kind outside Egypt. #GLOBALink You may like Tibetan ...
在2024 年备受瞩目的博物馆行列里,上海博物馆无疑是一颗耀眼的明星。倘若无法亲身踏上埃及那片神秘的土地,那么上海博物馆便是你开启古埃及文明奇妙之旅的绝佳去处。 古埃及文明,宛如历史长河中一颗最为奇特且古老的星辰,其起源可追溯至公元前 5450 年左右,在非洲东北部尼罗河中下游的法尤姆地区,它就已悄然萌芽。当...
Visitors view exhibits during a preview of the exhibition "On Top of the Pyramid: The Civilization of Ancient Egypt" at the Shanghai Museum in east China's Shanghai, July 17, 2024. The opening ceremony of the exhibition was held Wednesday at the Shanghai Museum on the People's Square of...
The Shanghai Museum will soon be hosting a big exhibition(展览) on ancient Egyptian history. It's called “On Top of the Pyramid: The Civilization of Ancient Egypt(金字塔之巅:古埃及文明大展)". It will run from July 19,2024 to August 17,2025.788 objects from different periods of Egyptian ...
A six-member team from the museum flew to Egypt for the logging and packing of the artifacts. Zhao Chenchang, deputy director of the museum's conservation department, said some large and heavy artifacts had to be handled with lifting equipment, and the process, witnessed by tourists, attracted...
The exhibition On Top of the Pyramid: The Civilization of Ancient Egypt will open on July 18 at the Shanghai Museum. It is the first exhibition of ancient Egyptian art curated by Chinese scholars and researchers, as well as the largest showcase of Egypti
根据文章第一段“The Shanghai Museum has announced its 2024 exhibition list, and ‘Top of the Pyramids, Ancient Egyptian Civilization Exhibition’ will be the most anticipated. (上海博物馆公布了2024年的展览名单,其中“金字塔之巅古埃及文明展”将是最受期待的展览。)”可知,这是一篇新闻报道,最有可能...
A media preview of the upcoming exhibition On Top of the Pyramid: The Civilization of Ancient Egypt was held at the Shanghai Museum on July 17. [Photo by Gao Erqiang/chinadaily.com.cn] The exhibition On Top of the Pyramid: The Civilization of Ancient Egypt will open to the ...
Egypt in China Were in People's Square. Admission to the museum is free, but the exhibition is free (135 yuan, students 1/2, need a student ticket). In 2025 - Egypt from predynastic to ancient. I wonder. On the 3rd floor are the costumes of the nations and furniture...