Shanghai Jiao Tong University, a prestigious institution, is like a brilliant pearl shining brightly in the Chinese education industry. It is located in the bustling city of Shanghai, shining with the Huangpu River and the Bund, forming a beautiful picture. 上海交通大学,这所享有盛誉的学府,如同...
Shanghai Jiao Tong University website is the online International student recruitment platform of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, supported technically by Study And Work In China.This website gives a detailed introduction of Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
上海交通大学(Shanghai Jiao Tong University),简称“上海交大”,位于上海,是教育部直属、上海市共建、中央直管的全国重点大学 ,位列国家“双一流”“985工程”“211工程”, 为九校联盟 、环太平洋大学联盟、21世纪学术联盟、中国大学校长...
上海交通大学(Shanghai Jiao Tong University),简称“上海交大”,位于中国直辖市上海,是中华人民共和国教育部直属并与上海市共建的全国重点大学,位列“985工程”、“211工程”、“世界一流大学建设高校”,入选“珠峰计划”、“111计划”、“2011计划”、“卓越医生教育培养计划”、“卓越法律人才教育培养计划”、“卓...
Shanghai Jiao Tong University Data Total number of students 38,472 Number of international students 3,596 Total number of academic staff 3,059 Number of international staff 757 Number of undergraduate degrees awarded 4,027 Number of doctoral degrees awarded 1,772 Number of research only staff 929...
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), as one of the higher education institutions which enjoy a long history and a world-renowned reputation in China, is a key university directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education (MOE) of the People’s Republic of China and co-constructed...
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), commonly known in Chinese as Jiaoda, directly subordinate to the Ministry of Education, is a key university in China, jointly run by the Ministry and Shanghai Municipality.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University Founded in 1896, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) is one of the internationally recognized, top-tier research universities in China, with strong commitment to nurturing future leaders with innovative drives and global visions. Today, SJTU has 67 undergraduates ...
上海交通大学(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)是我国历史最悠久、享誉海内外的高等学府之一,是教育部直属并与上海市共建的全国重点大学。上海交通大学深厚的文化底蕴,悠久的办学传统,奋发图强的发展历程,特别是改革开放以来取得的巨大成就,为国内外所瞩目。
上海交通大学是我国历史最悠久、享誉海内外的著名高等学府之一,是教育部直属并与上海市共建的全国重点大学。经过122年的不懈努力,上海交通大学已经成为一所“综合性、研究型、国际化”的国内一流、国际知名大学。 十九世纪末,甲午战败,民族危难。中国近代著名实业家、教育家盛宣怀秉持“自强首在储才,储才必先兴学”的...