上海外国语大学(Shanghai International Studies University),简称“上外”、“SISU”,是教育部直属并与上海市共建、进入国家“211工程”建设的全国重点大学,秉承“格高志远、学贯中外”的校训精神,筚路蓝缕,奋发有为,现已发展成一所培养高端国际型外语人才的多科性、国际化、高水平特色大学,蜚声海内外。 历史承传 ...
The First Experimental School of Shanghai International Studies University Shanghai Qibao Experimental Middle School Shanghai Foreign Studies University Minhang Experimental School Shanghai Foreign Studies University Experimental School High School Affiliated to the Experimental Base of Shanghai Teacher Training ...
SISU is known for being one of the earliest institutions where China’s higher education in foreign languages took shape. From remarkable beginnings and through more than six decades of the faculty’s endeavour, it has grown into a nationally leading and globally recognized academic institution with...
ShanghaiTech University Location Shanghai, China Salary Competitive salary Closing date 28 Oct 2024 View more categories Discipline Applied Science, Chemistry, Computing, Earth Science, Engineering, Environmental Science, Life Science, Mathematics, Physics Job Type Faculty Member, Professor, Researcher ...
The Experimental schools (primary and secondary education), The Institute of Modern Greek Studies The School of Modern Greek Language The Center for Foreign Languages Teaching The Centre for Byzantine Research The Telloglion Foundation of Art The University Clinics of the Faculty of Medicine (AUTh ...
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), as one of the higher education institutions which enjoy a long history and a world-renowned reputation in China.
Indiana University Bloomington attracts students from around the globe who want the ideal college experience-great traditions, a gorgeous campus, international culture, Big Ten sports, and an active academic climate. Founded in 1820, IU Bloomington is the flagship campus of Indiana University's eight...
Over 200 foreign students from Tongji University's International School in Shanghai, sat a rigorous final exam over the weekend, a crucial step on the path to receiving a Chinese government scholarship. 视频加载失败,请刷新页面...
ShanghaiTech’s tenure-track system is attracting talented faculty with a wealth of experience from world-leading universities and institutes. Currently there are ~340 professors under the tenure-track system, 80% of whom have overseas study or work experiences and around 14% are foreign nationals...
The University of Wrocław is one of the largest and the oldest Universities in Poland. It commenced its activities in 1702, as the Leopoldina Academy. Today the University of Wroclaw is a ten-faculty college which combines the legacy of the history of Silesia region and the Austrian, Prussia...