我代表广州佳美展览有限公司,衷心地感谢各位莅临2025上海美博会(Shanghai Beauty Expo)。作为一年一度的重大盛事,美博会集结了全球的化妆品及相关产业链企业,为广大观众呈现出一场精彩纷呈的行业盛宴。 本届美博会将于6月24日至26日在上海举行,总展览面积超过10万平方米,汇聚了1000多家展商。届时,我们将有幸邀请...
12. - 14. May 2023 中国美容博览会(CBE)是全球公认的美容行业贸易展览会,每年在上海新国际博览中心举行。本次展览由Informa Markets主办。 The China Beauty Expo (CBE) is a globally recognized trade fair in the beauty industry, held annually at the Shanghai New International Expo Center. It is orga...
The Global Beauty Event in Asia Dates: Monday, May 12, 2025 - Wednesday, May 14, 2025 Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Center,Shanghai,China An annual event held in Shanghai during the month of May, China Beauty Expo (CBE) is the leading beauty trade show in Asia. It has become...
上海美博会概况: 上海CBE美博会暨中国美容博览会, 自1998年起至今已成功举办27届,每年5月在上海新国际博览中心(浦东)举办。荣获上海***,上海***展等荣誉,并连续三年位列***商展***TOP榜美容展首位。 作为享誉世界的国际美妆贸易平台 ,CBE不仅聚合美业全产业链海量资源,更致力于提升展会价值,先后创立了中国...
作为CBE中国美容博览会三大主题展之一的专业美容展(Professional Beauty),将于2023年5月12-14日在上海新国际博览中心(浦东)盛大召开。 专业美容展汇聚80多个国家和地区,300多家展商参展。同期针对8大品类18个细分品类开设专业的会议论坛及技能比赛,为各国美容产业品牌商及渠道商、专业美容院、皮肤管理中心、美甲美...
- **展会名称**:第29届CBE中国美容博览会 (China Beauty Expo, 简称CBE) - **展会地点**:上海浦东新国际博览中心(上海市浦东新区龙阳路2345号) - **展会时间**: - 2025年5月12日 09:00-18:00 - 2025年5月13日 09:00-18:00 - 2025年5月14日 09:00-15:00 ...
«Personal care franchise:beauty franchise, pedicure franchise, bathing franchise, fitness franchise, weightless franchise, health franchise, etc. «OEM/ODM and other related products. l展位费用: «标准展位价格:(注:双面开口加收20%费用)
Strictly speaking, segmenting specific populations is not exclusive to the global beauty and personal care market trends in 2023. However, driven by various "perfect timing" factors over the past year or two, the following groups have become the focus of this year's global beauty and personal ...
Suhewan’s growing prominence as a business hub was underscored in 2023 during the district’s participation in the “Our Water” initiative, a river-inspired event designed to foster global exchanges between Shanghai and other major cities.This year’s event, which took place in Paris in April...
Ticket sales have ended on 27-11-2023 18:00 About event 16th SHANGHAI Private Label Fair Asia is a quality exhibition which presents personal care, beauty, household, leisure retail, food, wine, beverages, business, healthcare, maternity and infant products. It gathers professional visitors ...