On the studio version, all the chords played are power chords except for the A in the bit about the guanama, which is an Am chord. More properly, it is a B5 chord played on an acoustic guitar downtuned to DGCFAD, resulting in the A sound. Here's the bass tab for the verses: |G...
Chords NotesBeta To start learning 杨小壮 - (伴奏版)孤芳自赏 chords, delve into these chords sequence to get the song's feel:Ab, Bbm, Gb, Ab, Db, Ab, Bbm and Db. Use ChordU to start at a slow tempo and accelerate as you improve. For a...
His father was a good violinist. At an early age, Mozart could remember tunes and recognize easy chords on the harpsichord. But unlike Haydn, who went to school at an early age, Mozart started composing at age five and performing at age six. Although Beethoven was also born into a ...