Here's how to win the heart of Stardew's Valley Shane through playing his events, giving gifts, and taking him to see his favorite movie.
Like other marriage candidates, he will add his own room to the right of the bedroom. He'll also set up a small chicken coop behind the farmhouse, where he'll sometimes go to visit with his chicken "Charlie". On rainy days, Shane may offer you Beer, Large Egg, Pale Ale, Void ...
#星露谷物语 #谢恩 #shane #stardewvalley - Red Stool吃虫虫于20240726发布在抖音,已经收获了48.2万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
7,501 Version 1.0.2 Download: Manual Last updated 19 April 20241:28PM Original upload 19 April 20245:08AM Created by tuoba514 Uploaded by tuoba514 Virus scan Safe to use Anime SMAPI Sprites Portrait Character Preset Chinese Version 1.6 Compatible ...
(Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.) "Oh really? I'm surprised... Didn't you move to Stardew Valley to escape the noise of the city? I mean... Don't get me wrong, I totally understand. My life in Pelican Town is pretty bland, you know." His attention returns to the game when the ...
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All games Stardew Valley Characters shane by fxwomn Articles Characters Shane by fxwomnCharacters Shane by fxwomnEndorsements 0 Total views 12 Changed Shane's character style Added on 15 January 2025 6:16AM Written by Dnight1327 0 comments ...
There is arguably no one who takes naming their farm animals more seriously than Stardew Valley players. Plenty of players admit to selling some of their well-loved animals just to rename them after accidentally confirming a randomized name (or just after deciding to change the farms aesthetic)....
Stardew Valley Shane schedule A lot of Shane’s time is taken up by his job at JojaMart. He is there most days between 9am and 5pm, working hard to make a living. Other than that, he spends a chunk of time at the saloon—except for weekends when he can be found near the ranch....
原地址: 原作者:MilkyGay 原简介:un animatic q hice en verano del 2022 cuando me dio covid yjugue 80 horas consecutivas de stardew valley porque no podia salir de mi cuarto y me enamoré profundamente de shane y ahora tenemos 3 años de casados y 2 ...