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Quentin Tarantino in ‘No Hurry’ to Direct Final Movie; Pledges to Wait Until His Son Can Have Lifelong Memories on Set Are Jennifer Lopez & Kevin Costner Really Dating? Breaking Down the Rumors Dwight Howard’s WNBA Swindler Faces Lengthy Prison Sentence ...
電氣民謠女子組合「 凹與山 Our Shame 」由主唱小凹與鼓手 Isan 組成,大學時期曾拿下「金韶獎」創作組冠軍,2018 年冬天發布單曲《理查》,在獨立音樂平台 StreetVoice 攻佔數週排行榜冠軍,至今串流已累積超過一百萬次播放;2019 年發行首張 EP《一切好事都會發生》,自在把玩電子聲響及木吉他質地的音樂風格,以及切合社...
Khary "Kink Shame": I've had enough I grab my nuts You mad as fuck Cause you're cuck I've had enough I grab my nuts You...
And so now, my sweet puppy is wearing the “cone of shame.” In order for him to not rip out his stitches, as I mentioned he likes to use his teeth, he has to wear the horrible dog cone for ten days. He had the operation last Tuesday, so he will get his stitches out very soo...
Now, thanks to a new meme on Twitter, you can have your career path shamed this very instant. Twitter product manager Laura Gaocreated the memeby imagining a scenario in which she and her dad were on an airplane, and the flight attendant asked if there was a doctor onboard to help with...
曾以〈理查〉攻破串流百萬播放的電氣民謠女子組合「 凹與山 Our Shame 」,繼 2019 年發行首張 EP《一切好事都會發生》,接連發布多首備受好評的單曲〈PDF〉、〈親愛的〉、〈party to the moon〉,並於今日宣布首張專輯《Modern Problem》正式開放預購(ourshame92.easy.co),並將在 8 月 10 日正式數位上架、9 ...
A GIRL HAS NO SHAME!#权力的游戏meme# û收藏 1 评论 ñ21 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...ø 恋爱中 查看更多 a 866关注 251粉丝 2173微博 微关系 他的关注(865) DOP-傅博 雲漢z 杜扬Seatory SEAartfair 他的...
holy shit this meme... û收藏 6 1 ñ33 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...Ü 简介: 又萎了 更多a 微关系 她的关注(232) 次要的时刻 泡脚鱼泡椒 呐出久我还能追上你吗 微博会员 她的粉丝(1227) 转生之我是Kacchan的Deku ...