Now it has gone pop-ular like a virus since Israeli humor writer Ha-noch Daum posted the note to Facebook earlier this week.The short excuse was originally written in Hebrew, but translated, it reads, “Good morning teacher! Dad is not mom. And Dad can't do in one hour what Mom ...
Now it has gone popular like a virus(病毒) since Israeli humor writer Hanoch Daum posted the note to Facebook earlier this week.The short excuse was originally written in Hebrew, but translated, it reads, "Good morning teacher! Dad is not Mom. And Dad can't do in one hour what Mom ...
The traditional Yom Kippur service includes a section known as the Martyrology (or as we call it in Hebrew, “Eleh Ezkarah,” meaning “These I Remember.”) The centerpiece of Martyrology is a long liturgical poem that recounts the death of ten rabbis – including the famous Rabbis Akiba,...
Scenes like this are typical in many countries — the lone entrepreneur using the only means of transportation they have to get the job done. I call this enterprising resilience. They can do it because they have to! The Hebrew word shalom carries a heavy load, too. While the word shalom ...
(the Holy Spirit) abiding in us, with His things to restore to our spiritual lives as all the believers come to know His eternal Name thru His Word of Light and to learn more of HisTorah(Law) of Light teachings and the original meanings of the Paleo (ancient) Hebrew alphabet. With ...
Now it has gone popular likea virus since Israeli humor writer Hanoch Daum posted the note to Facebook earlier this week.The short excuse was originally written in Hebrew, but translated, it reads,"Good morning teacher!Dad is not mom. And Dad can't do in one hour what Mom can do in ...
We’ve reached the final point in the Yom Kippur morning service known asEleh Ezkarah, which means in Hebrew, “These I remember,” also known in English as the Martyrology. It was added to the Yom Kippur liturgy to remember the ten leading rabbis, including Rabbi Akiba, Rabbi Shimon ben...
Learn to say the Shema in Hebrew – Follow the Link below. In the New Testament in John’s Gospel Chapter 1 we have several symbols such as “light,”“Lamb of God,” how does these assist our understanding of the Messianic faith? The symbol of the Menorah, Star of David, with a Cr...
Of course, there’s a lot to this story, and it’s one of the great stories of the Hebrew Bible. It is also a timely story for the circumstances we in the United States are facing today. Where Joseph could have demanded retribution and revenge because his brothers sold him to passing ...
Uri Avnery is one of the best-known peace activists in Israel and founder of the Gush Shalom peace movement. He has been involved in, and written about, all major events in Israel's history since its creation in 1948, and was the first I... ...