Shall We Dance: Directed by Mark Sandrich. With Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Edward Everett Horton, Eric Blore. A ballet dancer and a showgirl fake a marriage for publicity purposes, then fall in love.
Shall We Dance 預約看片 導演: 周防正行 主演: 竹中直人 役所廣司 草刈民代 年份:2004 片長:135分鐘 分級:普遍級 標籤: 藍絲帶獎 日本電影學院獎最佳男配角 日本電影學院獎最佳男主角 日本電影學院獎最佳女主角 DVD影片 日本電影學院金像獎 日本電影學院獎最佳劇本 ...
Shall We Dance?: Directed by Peter Chelsom. With Richard Gere, Jennifer Lopez, Susan Sarandon, Lisa Ann Walter. A romantic comedy where a bored, overworked Estate Lawyer, upon first sight of a beautiful instructor, signs up for ballroom dancing lessons.
01:17 “of all human inventions dance and music…” 01:22 “are the first and foremost of our pleasure.” 英文版字幕2: In Japan, ballroom dance is regarded with much suspicion.1:17 In a country where married couples don't go out arm in arm... much less say "I love you" out lou...
Watch Shall We Dance? movie trailers, exclusive videos, interviews from the cast, movie clips and more at TV Guide
Shall we dance? 这篇影评可能有剧透 21:40.入座。21:45.電影久久未開場。21:50.沒廣告,無預告,影片始動。22:04.朴建炯登場。舞伴被搶,失意非常;劇情過場,一輪悶場。22:11.文根英登場,生於中國的朝鮮人,說著朝鮮語:帶點優雅,好古典。22:18.相差十多歲的男女主角假結婚,勉強生活在一起,《16歲新娘》基本...
《谈谈情,跳跳舞 Shall We Dance》于2004-10-15(美国)上映。是由彼德·切尔瑟姆执导, 由奥黛丽·威尔斯, 周防正行担任主编, 演员理查·基尔, 詹妮弗·洛佩兹, 苏珊·萨兰登等主演的《谈谈情,跳跳舞 Shall We Dance》是一部剧情, 喜剧, 爱情类型电影。
Shall We Dance Act 1 50:25 Destination Swing 2004 - Jenny & Ryan 02:40 Lindy Academy Ryan & Simone 00:51 LET'S TALK ABOUT MALCOLM X - historical and cultural importance(2) 51:07 Policoro in Swing 2024 LET'S TALK ABOUT MALCOLM X - film and historique themes 1 46:07 2014 Ma...
Shall We Dance? 提示:这篇影评可能有剧透 如果不是Jennifer Lopez 这位拉丁天后兼诽闻皇后要翻拍闹得沸沸扬扬还不知道这部役所广司主演竹中直人配角的日本电影。 找到都是美国版,不喜欢Jennifer Lopez 也就没想看美国版,不过超级喜欢《东京日和》里的竹中直人,终于找到日本版的了,哈哈~~...
Shall we dance?: Regie: Masayuki Suô Mit Kôji Yakusho, Tamiyo Kusakari, Naoto Takenaka, Eri Watanabe A successful but unhappy Japanese accountant finds the missing passion in his life when he begins to secretly take ballroom dance lessons.