some time in Thanksgiving (thanking God for all He has already done for you), and finally time in Supplication (these are your prayers of request – asking God to supply your needs).
aAG Global helps businesses gain competitive advantage by acting as a one-stop sourcing hub. We have a database of more than one thousand pre-qualified suppliers to support sourcing needs of various industries. We monitor product quality, inventory and supply availability. AG全球性帮助企业获取竞争...
"All my springs are in Thee," said David; and so may we say, for our only source of supply is the Lord our God. If a man turns away from God, then he forsakes the cool fountain, he goes to broken cisterns that hold no water, and he will perish of thirst. III. Let us look...
ALL needs are met for this well-planted tree…the nourishment of sun and a continual supply of water for the roots. Because the roots are healthy, the tree is able to be firmly and deeply planted. Think today about your own spiritual life…Are you planted deeply with a good foundation?