大小写变形:Shale 词态变化 复数:shales; 形容词:shaly; 实用场景例句 全部 页岩 泥板岩 The contrast table of the poorest compensated results inshale, sandstone, and dolomite was given. 给出了特定扩径条件下在泥岩 、 砂岩和白云岩扩径层段双发双收声系最差补偿效果的对比数据. ...
Shale是一个基于JSF的web开发框架。它是由Struts的创始人、JSF专家组成员Craig McClanahan发起的。 Shale 的意思是“页岩”。简而言之,Shale 出自这样的思想:Web 框架如果以按功能划分的、松散连接的 “层” 的形式存在,则最为有效。每一层基本独立于其他层,并且关注于一个专门的方面。这一点类似于海岸附近...
The meaning of SHALE is a fissile rock that is formed by the consolidation of clay, mud, or silt, has a finely stratified or laminated structure, and is composed of minerals essentially unaltered since deposition.
Related to shale:Burgess Shale shale (shāl) n. A fissile rock composed of layers of claylike, fine-grained sediments. [Probably from Middle English,shell, from Old Englishscealu; seeskel-inIndo-European roots.] shal′eyadj. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Editi...
SHALE 算法思想 SHALE将流量分配问题转化成带约束的优化问题,与HWM相比: 增加了保量约束 通过拉格朗日对偶和KKT条件,求解全局最优解,而非贪心解 建模目标最小化 流量分配比例误差 和 未到量惩罚项,约束条件为合约保量约束(对未到量合约进行惩罚)和用户流量约束(即符合该合约所有流量分配比例不大于1) 建模目标 建模...
The meaning of COMBUSTIBLE SHALE is tasmanite.
SHALE算法流程 根据上一节推导结果,文章中利用坐标下降法进行求解,主要进行如下操作: 初始化 初始化所有的\alpha_j=0. 第一步 重复这一步,直到退出 对于每一个用户i,求解满足\sum_{j \in \Gamma(i)} g_{i j}\left(\alpha_{j}-\beta_{i}\right)=1的\beta_i,若小于0或无解,则\beta_i=0 ...
require 'shale' class Address < Shale::Mapper attribute :city, :string attribute :street, :string attribute :zip, :string end class Person < Shale::Mapper attribute :first_name, :string attribute :last_name, :string attribute :age, :integer attribute :married, :boolean, default: -> { fals...
shale oil 英[ʃeɪl ɔil] 美[ʃel ɔɪl] 释义 n. 页岩油(由油页岩中干馏而得的石油) 实用场景例句 全部 More ammonium sulphate solution is being recovered in the process of distillingshale oil. 在提炼油页岩的过程中回收的硫酸氨液比过去多了....