沙库尔·史蒂文森是美国职业拳击手。作为业余爱好者,史蒂文森代表美国队参加了2016年夏季奥运会,获得了最轻量级组的银牌。 个人资料 早年生活和童年 沙库尔·史蒂文森出生于1997年6月28日,在新泽西州纽瓦克市。史蒂文森是沙希德·盖顿 (Shahid Guyton) 和马利卡·史蒂文森 (Malikah Stevenson) 的九个兄弟姐妹中最大的一...
“I be doing everything in my power to get these bigger name guys in the ring,” said Stevenson on his Twitter account. “All seriousness I’m the boogeyman in the sport of boxing.” Although Stevenson’s career just started a little over three years ago, the 23-year-old has clamore...