sometimes when she tries to stop she ends up really shaky nd seizure like . its scary but ive lived with taking care if her my whole life so its pretty normal to me i guess .. shes in her 40's too . Reply Guest over a year ago In reply to guest12 on 2010-10-18 - click ...
Gordon Todd Skinner, became an informant for the DEA, leading to thearrest and conviction of Skinner's friend William Leonard Pickardfor his role in running an illegal LSD lab that resulted in the biggest federal seizure of illegal acid and paraphernalia ever. ...
In subtle cases, infantile spasms may look like head nodding (rather than shaking side to side). The baby may also roll their eyes or arch their back. Infantile spasms are a rare type of seizure that needs to be medically examined, diagnosed, and treated. Infantile spasms may be caused by...