Shakespeare of LondonThe article reviews the book "Shakespeare of London," by Marchette Chute.Sears, William Peducation
• Beware the ides of March • We are such stuff as dreams are made on • Something is rotten in the state of Denmark • To be, or not to be: that is the question 2) Great Stories Marchette Chute, in the Introduction to her famous retelling of Shakespeare's stories, summarize...
Marchette Chute Shakespeare's Lives Samuel Schoenbaum Shakespeare after All Marjorie Garber Shakespeare's Language Frank Kermode Elizabeth's London: Everyday Life in Elizabethan London Liza Picard Shakespeare's Wife Germaine Greer The Genius of Shakespeare ...
The article focuses on some books on dramatist William Shakespeare. The two biographies, "Shakespeare: A Biography and an Interpretation," by Ivor Brown and "Shakespeare of London," by Marchette Chute, are, in different ways,...