Enjoy Shakespeare translations in modern English. Each translation recreates the rhythm, pace, and poetry of the original in contemporary English.
A Shakespeare's writing shaped our modern language, but how did his plays describe the landscape of 15th- and 16th-century Britain? This guide will take you on a mini tour of the poet's favored locations.Pontefract Castle, Yorkshire In its prime, Pontefract Castle was one of the most power...
Shakespeare used Middle English in a(n) 5.___ way and helped develop Early Modern English from Middle English. As a result, he is 6.___ to be not only a literary master (文学大师) but also a language master. Many people have studied the language in his plays and written 7.___. ...
The Bard in Brief: Shakespeare in Quotations Widely acknowledged to be the greatest dramatist in the English language, William Shakespeare is also one of the most quoted writers of all time. His plays and sonnets influenced the history of the English language itself, and changed th... H Mankte...
Rewriting Shakespeare: Shakespeare's early modern readers at work While Shakespeare may have written solely for the stage, his text has been configured and transformed since the sixteenth century by the print cycle, which enabled it to survive. This was a cycle in which readers, publishers, as ...
WilliamShakespeare (1564-1616)Shakespeare’sWorks 154sonnets 十四行诗 2longpoems 37plays ComediesTragediesHistoryplaysTragi-comedies HISTRAGEDIES amongthemostpowerfulstudiesof humannatureinallliterature appropriatelyasthegreatestachievementsofhisdramaticartistry hisunforgettabletragiccharacters,suchasRomeoand...
For many people today,reading Shakespeare\'s language can be a problem—but it is a problem that can be solved.Modern readers may need to develop the skills of untangling(理清)unusual sentence structures and of recognizing and understanding poetic compressions(压缩),omissions(省略),and wordplay....
Why was the English language so creative in Shakespeare’s time? Shakespeare’s erawas after old English and firmly in early modern English. Around this time there was a huge inflow of other European vocabularies into the English language as a result of Renaissance cross-pollination. This created...
It's quite hard going to sit down and read a play by Shakespeare because they're quite long in five acts, so it can take a long time to get through them, and the language isn't always easy. So, I think, you know, to get the overview of a play, to see a film version of it...
For example: «shrill-sounding throat», «fear-surprised eyes», «seeming-virtuous queen», «well-took labour», «ever-divserved love», «something-settled matter», «promise-crammed air» [4].In the era of Shakespeare people widely used the pronoun «thou, thy...