Shake shake shake the money tree Trusting in our wealth Trusting in ourselves Shake shake shake the money tree Contentment is a secret we can learn Regardless of the money that we earn Doesn't come by rising in the world Comes by taking Jesus at his word He has promised to ...
俚语shake the money tree的意思解释和用法例句 732 次阅读
shake (someone's) tree Slang To arouse to action or reaction; disturb: "[He] so shook Hollywood's tree that ... all manner of ... people called me unsolicited to itemize his mistakes or praise his courage" (Tina Brown). shake a stick at Slang To point out, designate, or name:...
We shook nuts from the tree. to cause to sway, rock, totter, etc.: to shake the very foundations of society. to agitate or disturb profoundly in feeling: The experience shook him badly. to cause to doubt or waver;weaken: to shake one's self-esteem. ...
shake (someone's) tree Slang To arouse to action or reaction; disturb: "[He] so shook Hollywood's tree that ... all manner of ... people called me unsolicited to itemize his mistakes or praise his courage" (Tina Brown). shake a stick at Slang To point out, designate, or name:...
我没想到我能活到这一天!!!我要哭了//@真十内:卧槽这个OP。。。///@微为烟夕罗:文艺复兴!//@Yoo樱桃酱:卧槽???//@神吐槽娘娘:啊//@卡不bu: 啊啊啊啊啊!!道莲小可爱!!! @安利姬 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊《通灵王》将制作全新TV动画!!2021年4月开播!我的童年回来了!我的安娜女王!!! L安利姬的微博...
汽水音乐为您提供SelectaJiggyShake Money Tree - King Ali Baba歌曲、Shake Money Tree - King Ali Baba下载、Shake Money Tree - King Ali Baba歌词,可以帮你 发现更多好音乐。
to knock (something) loose by quick, strong movements:[~+object]to shake apples from the tree. to upset or worry (someone) deeply or greatly:[~+object]badly shaken by her death. to get rid of or away from:[~+object]The spy shook the agents following him. ...
WatsonThomasCanadian BusinessWatson, T. (2003). How to shake the money tree. Canadian Business. Toronto: Nov 24.Dec 7. Vol.76, Iss. 23; pg. 147