shahada orSha·ha·da,sha·ha·dah [shah-hah-duh] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun Islam.the Islamic profession of faith, “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger”: the first of thePillars of Islam. Discover More Word History and Origins...
TheShahada(also spelled “Shahadah”) is the Islamic Creed, one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The word “Shahada” comes from the verbshahida, meaning “he testifies” or “he bears witness.” In reciting the Shahada, a Muslim bears witness thatAllahis the only true god, and thatMuhammad...
In Islam, the affirmation of this conviction must be expressed in two lines known as the shahada. In addition to this paranormal event, the language structure pertaining to the two words found in the shahada includes the term ) ashhadu), which translates as 'I testify'....