Shaft: Directed by Tim Story. With Samuel L. Jackson, Jessie T. Usher, Richard Roundtree, Regina Hall. JJ Shaft, a cyber security expert with a degree from MIT, enlists his family's help to uncover the truth behind his best friend's untimely death.
Oct 1, 2019 Full Review Jason Bailey Flavorwire The blaxploitation hero's new reboot/revamp/retcon is the most depressing movie of the year. Jun 30, 2019 Full Review M.N. Miller Ready Steady Cut There is some much-needed comic-relief in this Shaft, but sadly this film hasn’t grown ...
It’s a little more involved than that, of course, Barris and Barnow’s script tying things back to a murderous drug lord who has had a thing against the Shaft family for almost three decades, but none of that is especially stimulating from an intellectual perspective. Worse, the movie do...
电影Movie 19-07-2 10:20 来自微博 《夏福特 Shaft》2019年美国动作犯罪片,塞缪尔·杰克逊等主演,讲述了久未谋面的父子一起调查一起调查案件的故事。中规中矩,反正就是那些老一套,喜欢局长彪脏话。豆瓣:7.0分;IMDb:6.4分。中字,时长:01:51:59:O网页链接 提取码:npag;预告片:L犯罪动作《杀戮战警2...
The movie would have been completely different if Roundtree or Jackson refused to return to the franchise. They are iconic as these characters and no one else could have played them more convincingly. The addition of Usher makes this trio worth watching and Hall is always a treat, even when ...
Watch the movie trailer for Shaft (2019). Directed by Tim Story and starring Samuel L. Jackson, Alexandra Shipp, Richard Roundtree and Regina Hall. John Shaft Jr., a cyber security expert with a degree from MIT, enlists his family's help to uncover the
“Shaft” is the next chapter in the film franchise featuring the coolest private eye on any New York City block. JJ, aka John Shaft Jr.
Movie plot tags Blaxploitation Detective VigilanteNew York City police detective John Shaft (nephew of the original 1970s detective) goes on a personal mission to make sure the son of a real estate tycoon is brought to justice after a racially-motivated murder. Director: John Singleton Writers:...
Ethan Shaftel See full article at 10/17/2014 by Alex Billington Indie Pic 'Suspension' Available for Online Order Today an official website was launched forSuspension, which features stills, trailers and a link to order the new indie film fromAlec JolerandEthan...
This retcon is more of a correction than a sudden change because Jackson was meant to be Shaft’s son since 2000, but producers demanded that Singleton reduce Roundtree’s role and relegate him to being Jackson’s uncle. The new movie ignores this confusing family tree, which is probably for...