Shady Side Academy 寄宿学校 男女混校 宾夕法尼亚 1:8 的师生比例 | 64%的教师高级学位学校简介 桑迪赛德学院是一所得到全国尊重的私立学校,位于匹兹堡,男女合校,提供从幼儿园到12年级的课程,高中阶段学生可以选择5天的寄宿生活。共有三个校园,针对不同的年级。学校资源丰富,教师积极辅导学生,课程具前瞻性,社区...
夏校时间:2020年6月17日-7月26日 SSA Summer是学生成长的独特时期。在学年结束后,一个好的夏令营或班级可以给你的孩子机会去发现新的激情,磨砺现有的才能,建立新的友谊和处理个人挑战。 Shady Side学院为几代匹兹堡家庭提供了有趣、灵活和价格适中的暑期项目。我们在福克斯教堂和微风角的校园举办了丰富的日间夏令营...
Shady Side Academy Science Labs to Get OverhaulSummer upgrades to Shady Side Academy Middle School science labsare aimed at providing improved...Panizzi, Tawnya
The PA receives no government, and very little outside, funding. Almost all of the $350,000 it costs to run camp each summer is raised by the parents through fundraisers and direct donations. Approximately 50 families are actively involved in the organization. Members of the Parents Association...
In this epic conclusion to George Lucas's prequel trilogy, Anakin Skywalker slowly turns to the dark side before assuming the villainous role of Darth Vader. This culminates in a climactic lightsaber battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi, fomented by Anakin's bond with the evil Emperor Palpatine. ...
In this epic conclusion to George Lucas's prequel trilogy, Anakin Skywalker slowly turns to the dark side before assuming the villainous role of Darth Vader. This culminates in a climactic lightsaber battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi, fomented by Anakin's bond with the evil Emperor Palpatine. ...
Shady Side Academy Grows Own Produce Students Run Stand at Fox Chapel Farmers MarketJuliana Sandford loves the feeling of picking caterpillars offkale early on summer mornings,...Slachta, Anicka