这儿介绍一种方法,在OpenWrt路由器上利用Shadowsocks和DNSMasq达到局域网内零配置科学上网。 一个Shadowsocks服务器是必须的,你可以在自己的VPS上搭建一个,方法参见HOWTO: Install and configure shadowsocks on VPS/Ubuntu。或者你可以找一个免费的Shadowsocks服务器,推荐一个获取免费账号的网址https://www.shadowsocks...
rent these servers from various cloud providers. Choose a provider that fits your budget and requirements. Once you have your server, log in and use the command-line interface to enter the Linux commands for setting up Shadowsocks. You'll need to configure the server port and set a password...
How to install and configure Shadowsocks libev SOCKS5 proxy server on Centos and Ubunu Shadowsocks is a free open-source SOCKS5 proxy widely used to protect privacy on the Internet. It is used to connect to the Great Firewall of China or have a higher level of anonymity (trade bitcoins,...
rent these servers from various cloud providers. Choose a provider that fits your budget and requirements. Once you have your server, log in and use the command-line interface to enter the Linux commands for setting up Shadowsocks. You'll need to configure the server port and set a password...
2. Once you installed the shadowsocks client on your Android device. Now you have to configure it. Follow the below tutorial. How to Configure Shadowsocks client on your Android device The Advance feature of Shadowsocks app lets you setup multiple profile so that you can easily switch between...
Configure the Shadowsocks Server Create a new system user for Shadowsocks adduser –system –no-create-home –group shadowsocks Create a directory for the configuration file: mkdir -m 755 /etc/shadowsocks Create the Shadowsocks configuration fileshadowsocks.jsonby running: ...
Configure the ANDROID_HOME and ANDROID_NDK_HOME environment variables based on the location of the Android SDK and Android NDK. Additionally, consider adding ANDROID_HOME/tools and ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools to your $PATH.Run the Android SDK Manager by pressing the SDK Manager toolbar button in...
The following steps will describe how to configure the 3X-UI panel on a leased VPS. You can find detailed instructions on how to place an order on thehostkey.comwebsitehere. When ordering a server, you need to select VPN servers:
We need to better understand the nature of the blocking. Did you create the server, or were you using someone else's server? If from someone else: Can you check if the admin revoked your access key? If the server was shared publicly, maybe it had the IP blocked ...
Deploy a Shadowsocks VPS Server on a secure and high-performance web cloud hosting platform. All software pre-installed.