Pycharm警告解决: shadows name 'xxxx' from outer scope 在Pycharm中写代码,经常会发现代码下出现波浪线。这是因为Pycharm根据pep8风格进行了代码检查。当违背pep8代码风格时,代码下方就会出现波浪线。 强迫症害死人。为了消除所有警告,保持代码颜值,笔者正在对自己代码风格中不规范的地方进行一一纠正。 “shadowsna...
Now we have a line segment defined from pointAto pointB, and we want to approximate the integral that describes the atmospheric scattering across its length. For now let's take five sample positions and name their pointsP1throughP5. Each pointP1throughP5represents a point in the...