To run the command in the BG3 Script Extender Debug Console: 1) Run the game. 2) Load your saved game (fully!) 3) Alt-tab to the console 4) Press enter on your keyboard to begin "Entering server Lua console" 5) Next to the S >> paste my command from the text file included in...
im not an expert on dnd 5 but BG3 cleric seems to be a "spellcaster only" class with a slapped on medium/heavy armor proficiency feat. If you want to do melee i would honestly advise going 0 cleric, perhaps change her to a paladin or eldrich knight or trickster rogue or something. ...
box.BG3speedrunners call it “Shadowboxing,” and the quirk inthe popular RPGlets them skip the entirety of Act 2 and the Shadowlands before reaching an explosive ending. YouTuber ImTaiyl successfully pulled the method off and set a record of completingBaldur’s Gate 3:in 3:57:96 (thanks...