~ Shadow the Hedgehog after defeating Sonic the Hedgehog and Diablon in the Final Haunt. “ DAMN YOU! NO... IT'S NOT TRUE! „ ~ Shadow's villainous breakdown, also, his Luke Skywalker reference “ I'm Shadow the Hedgehog, and I've left the past behind me. No one can tell me...
17:50 【暗黑4】SEASON 4 Campfire Summary - Diablo 4 21:53 【暗黑4】Wudijo|S4如何生存 Diablo 4 - How To Stay Alive- New Armor Caps In S4 22:22 【暗黑4】ROB|S4野蛮人尘魔还可行吗?Dust Devil Barb still viable after Nerfs for S4? 16:47 【暗黑4】Wudijo|Diablo 4 - 28 Ranks In ...
It creates a seething hotbed of orc captains that live, die and rise up the ranks as you play. Both by their own in-fighting and your own actions - let one kill you, for example, and they’ll get promoted, creating your own personal - wait for it - nemesis. They all have strength...