Before you get the new set bonus, you might find that Distorted Reality makes the spec easier to play, and could improve your uptime of Devouring Plague. After acquiring the Priest Shadow Season 1 2pc, I would play Mind's Eye in all situations. 5. Priest Class Talent Choices While the ...
5.1. Shadow Priest War Mode Talents for Leveling In this section, we will go over each of the War Mode/PvP talents you should consider using while leveling up. Catharsis is your most powerful open world PvP talent. Be sure to track this buff to know when you are capped on Shadow Word:...
11.0 Shadow Priest Talent Tree Goals Make meaningful changes to create 2 main sub spec damage profiles revolving around Periodic Damage and Non-Periodic Damage. Cooldowns: Voidform = Haste/Dot/Rot and increased uptime on Devouring Plague (callback to Auspicious Spirits build from Warlords of Drean...
Dear Blizzard, As a priest player since 2005, I cannot express the lack of class attention we get nowadays. Disc and Holy have the most useless spec talents that are frankly embarrassing. Shadow has been awful to play s…
spec:RegisterStateTable( "priest", { self_power_infusion = true } ) -- Auras spec:RegisterAuras( { angelic_feather = { id = 121557, duration = 5, max_stack = 1, }, -- Talent: Movement speed reduced by $s1%. -- apathy = { id =...
id=function()returnstate.spec.shadowandtalent.void_blast.enabledandbuff.entropic_rift.upand450983or8092end, id=8092, cast=function()returnbuff.shadowy_insight.upand0or(1.5*haste)end, charges=function() iftalent.thought_harvester.enabledthenreturn2end ...
Controversial and unorthodox, Shadow Priests are often scorned openly by allies for not specing Holy, as a typical healer priest would. Shadow Priests are quite adept at healing however, especially for what is supposed to be a DPS build. Their mastery
Hey there. I’m looking for tips for m+ for this guy here. I’m still gearing him up in healing spec currently, but my long term plan is to return to shadow that I much prefer over healing. I have a couple of questions. …
Shadow Priest DPS Talents With the blackness of your soul one might think that your talent picks would be wildly different from other priests. Well, not so much, except where you actually, as Shadow, have access to different talents.
For a talent throw in Guillotine. Example Healer: Grevious Throw to increase damage taken from your auto-attacks Mark of Mending - give to an ally, heal % of the dmg you deal Curse that causes allies to heal small amount when they attack cursed enemy A builder attack/heal that builds res...