The purpose of this study is to remove the shadow of cervical vertebrae from dental panoramic x-ray images with a tomosynthesis method and improve the contrast of details in both the teeth and jaw bones. To measure the shift-amount at each angular position that was required for reconstruction ...
The purpose of this study is toremove the shadow of cervical vertebrae from dental panoramic x-ray images witha tomosynthesismethod and improve the contrast of details in both the teeth and jaw bones. Tomeasure the shift-amount at each angular position that was required forreconstruction of ...
Keene Family Dental, 67 Mechanic St, Keene NH 603-357-6767 Design, Graphical Bulldog Design, 147 Winchester St, Keene NH 603-903-0009 Stephen Petersen Design, SPD Enterprises, 121 Partridgeberry Ln, Swanzey NH 603-903-5271 Display Cases ...
The purpose of this study is to remove the shadow of cervical vertebrae from dental panoramic x-ray images with a tomosynthesis method and improve the contrast of details in both the teeth and jaw bones. To measure the shift-amount at each angular position that was required for reconstruction ...