The Shadow Council is a group of mortal warlocks that serve the demons of the Burning Legion. The Shadow Council was formed by orcs as a clandestine council of the Old Horde. In the aftermath of many wars, the Shadow Council has somehow continued and has
The Shadow Lord is the original and main antagonist of Final Fantasy XI. The bitter spirit of Raogrimm, a deceased Galka warrior, he is a large, demonic creature responsible for rallying the Beastmen in an effort to annihilate the Enlightened Races of Va
trying to prevent them from retrieving the red crystals used to open the gates to the Dragon City ofWarfang. Another Shadow Ape later swiped a red crystal at an altar before Spyro and Cynder could reach it, before a horde of Shadow Apes appeared. If they killed that Ape and the red cry...
The Shadow Labyrinth is one of four instances in Auchindoun. It is occupied almost entirely by orcs and demons from the Burning Legion, such as felguards and shivarras. The instance comes to an end with a confrontation against the essence of sound, Murmu
Template:Legion-section(view source) Template:NPC(view source) (protected) Template:Navbar(view source) (protected) Template:Navbox(view source) (protected) Template:Npc(view source) Template:Orcs(view source) Template:QuoteWiki(view source) ...
Not long after, I witnessed the full battle skills of an adult Tor’lan warrior…pray that they never have reason to go forth in anger or war… Loremaster Field Report. 5898 TE. Excerpt p. 204 So can you incorporate Xiosians into your campaign? They may be a better alternative than ...
Go straight after each War Chief killing their bodyguards (other Orc captains) and brand them (i.e. convert them to your side) Brand less-powerful, lower ranked Orcs, have them become body guards of the War Chiefs, then have them betray the War Chiefs and then perhaps help them out in...