Facundo "Shadow" Cuello is a League of Legends esports player, currently support for Isurus. He was previously known as Tuesday.
This cursed land was once home to a noble, enlightened civilization, known to its allies and emissaries as the Blessed Isles. However, more than a thousand years ago, an unprecedented magical cataclysm left the barrier between the material and spirit rea
Basil "Shadow9" Reda (Arabic: باسل رضا) is a League of Legends esports player, currently jungler for Pegasus Esports.
Shadow is a League of Legends specialist. Help us fill the gaps! Help us fill event info Fill in the contributing. We're missing some info here. Details Contribute LIVE matches MongolZ VS Vitality IEM Katowice 2025 LIVE NGX VS Tundra BLAST Slam II LIVE IC VS Birthright Snapdrag...
Shadow could refer to one of the following: Runeterra Prime Stories Shadow and Fortune, A Harrowing Story Shadows and Reflections The Path of Shadows The Shadows Beckon (Old lore) The Shadow Door The Shadow Isles League of Legends Champions and Abilitie
We are pleased to announce that a new extension for twitch will be available soon to help League Of Legends Streamers to submit information normally shown within the in-game scoreboard directly to the viewers. Read more Dungeon Thief is now released!
V11.9- Added Stats:10 attack damage. Builds Into:Caustic Deathblade,Spectral Giantslayer,Forgotten Emblem,Fallen Guardian Angel,Hextech Gunblade of Immortality,Riskthirster,Sacrificial Infinity Edge,Spectral Spear of Shojin,Zeke's Bleak Herald.
共1条回答6人看过 uuuzi111 英雄联盟shadow从LEC赛区回来后来到了LGD战队担任打野位置。Shadow这次加盟LGD,也是成为LPL首个拥有LEC比赛经验的选手。他在2020年初登LEC赛场,就在LEC春季赛率领MAD取得了季军的好成绩。 4月前发布 2 没有更多啦~ 英雄联盟 League of Legends热搜排行榜NO.4 相关视频 100 动态3 ...
League of Legends Champions: AatroxAhriAkaliAkshanAlistarAmbessaAmumuAniviaAnnieApheliosAsheAurelion SolAuroraAzirBardBel'VethBlitzcrankBrandBraumBriarCaitlynCamilleCassiopeiaCho'GathCorkiDariusDianaDr. MundoDravenEkkoEliseEvelynnEzrealFiddlesticksFioraFizzGalioGangplankGarenGnarGragasGravesGwenHecarimHeimerdingerHweiIllaoi...
专辑:2019年星之守护者主题音乐 歌手:英雄联盟 Light and Shadow - 英雄联盟 (League of Legends) 词Lyrics:cAnON. 曲Composer:泽野弘之Sawano Hiroyuki 编曲Arranger:泽野弘之Sawano Hiroyuki 演唱Vocalist:Gemie How does it feel Got no one on your side ...