Could reorder shadowsocks profiles by drag & drop in servers preferences panel. Auto check update (unable to auto download) Run ss-local as backgroud service through launchd, not in app process. So after you quit the app, the ss-local maybe is still running. ...
In shadowsocks-rust, we also have an extended configuration file format, which is able to define more than one server. You can also disable individual servers.{ "servers": [ { "address": "", "port": 8388, "password": "hello-world", "method": "aes-256-gcm", "timeout":...
The findings reveal the range of uses of different languages in the lines of communication and the attendant sharing and shaping of social identities in each subsidiary, thus highlighting the importance of the contexts of subsidiaries. In addition, in a sharp contrast to the approach to linguistic...
and Hindu-derived invocations to the gods are offered in the Thai and Malay languages; and the play proper is incolloquialMalay. Puppeteers once performed throughout the peninsula, including the five Malay-speaking provinces of southern Thailand, but today puppeteers are found primarily in northeast...
ShadowClan is a group of cats that live in the marshlands and pines of the forest.[1] Their founding leader, Shadowstar, was the first ever leader prior to the group being named. By extension, the prefix "Shadow" was thought to be given to the Clan.[2] S
BECOME THE SHADOW FIGHT HERO IN A NEW MULTIPLAYER FIGHTING GAME! Fight against other players in a free online 3D fighting game. Compete in 2 player PVP combats or brawl for fun with friends. Welcome to the ninja realm! FIGHT NOW!
As I update game always seeing this 3 years old coment. Basically all players do have Legendary heroes and there is a lot of stuff to play thru in game. It is interesting and gives players a lot of different feelings as they play. And when playing it is so easy to feel if U play ...
After the animals of Torch City were defeated by the invading Robotic Legion in the Resistance War six years ago, former Resistance fighter Rayton the rabbit has kept a low profile. The arrest of a friend meant he had no choice but to put on his giant metal fist and fight against those ...
What’s different about Digital Mysteries? • Truly collaborative: It is unique in that more than one student can interact with it at once • Record of learning: Students can interact and have fun with exciting technology, then generate a printable PDF report of their session which shows wh...
The amount of content to work through is challenging and interesting, putting together your teams for all the different areas. Live Arena has added quite a bit for those craving more interaction with others. The amount of characters in the game, beautifully realised, is mind boggling, and ...