Tailwind CSS Box Shadow Color Classshadow-green-950 Print Page Previous Next Advertisements
Text shadow color modifier Hello, Tailwind CSS! In the example above, the element will have a red text shadow with an x offset of 3px, a y offset of 4px, and a blur radius of 2px. The text-shadow class enables the text shadow styles, while the text-shadow-x-md, text-shadow-y...
@tailwind base; @tailwind components; @tailwind utilities; body { color: rgb(var(--foreground-rgb)); background: linear-gradient( to bottom, transparent, rgb(var(--background-end-rgb)) ) rgb(var(--background-start-rgb)); } html, body { height: 100%; } @layer utilities { .text-ba...
tailwindcss text-shadow text-shadow designbycode designbycode_ •2.2.1•11 days ago•0dependents•MITpublished version2.2.1,11 days ago0dependentslicensed under $MIT 1,620 shadow-scss [npm-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/shadow-scss.svg [npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package...
Adobe Color Create color palettes, extract gradients from images, etc. Colorsinspo All-in-one resource for finding everything about colors ColorsWall Place to store your color palettes and generate palette in one click Happyhues Happy Hues is a color palette inspiration site that acts as a real...
[ 692a1 ] Add shadow-cljs + tailwindcss-jit example (#853) [ 5a7ec ] Add devcards example (#852)2.11.23 - 2021-03-11[ 62700 ] add :language-in :es-next-in and make it default [ 0b2b7 ] adjust UI for moved transit in shadow-grove2.11...
To preserve the shadow color in these states, it needs to be respecified: <!-- This shadow WILL be red at medium screens and above --> It’s necessary for Tailwind to work this way, as otherwise there would be no way to switch back to the default shadow. Using custom values ...
tailwind.config.js module.exports={theme:{extend:{boxShadow:{'3xl':'0 35px 60px -15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)',}}} Learn more about customizing the default theme in thetheme customizationdocumentation. If you need to use a one-offbox-shadowvalue that doesn’t make sense to include in ...
They map exactly to the default spacing scale used by tailwind. Note that most numbers in CSS require a unit, so you use Strings in their place. :padding 4 does not mean 4px. You'd use :padding "4px" for that. Keywords are again aliases. (css {:color :primary-color}) allows you ...
Radii greater than 2000 (Tailwind's rounded-full is 9999) may crash Android. ⁉️ FAQ How to set the Shadow opacity? The opacity is set directly in the startColor and endColor properties, in the alpha channel. E.g.: '#0001' is an almost transparent black. You may also use '#rrg...