最近试了试异度神剑决定版,一打开好像没有这个loading shaders ,直接右下角在读取,进入标题界面30帧,但是进入游戏才10帧,有的只有个位数帧数,请问是设置问题吗?已经开了多核心了,9400f+1660s 分享15赞 手机处理器吧 贴吧用户_0MND5RW GPU和Shader技术的基础知识本连载的主要目的,是介绍最新的PC和GAME所使用的...
VectorRegisters<0..32> allLayerCache = loadAllTerrainLayers(); VectorRegisters<32..40> simpleCache = loadPreblendedTerrainLayers();if (distanceToCamera < 10) { blend (allLayerCache); } else { blend (sampleCache); } 简单来说,它会尽可能多地把内存访问前置(front-loading),那么等执行到els...
Metal 3, introduced by Apple atWWDC 2022, brought with it a significant number of features that enable modern rendering techniques, faster resource loading, and flexible shader compilation. It also includes an all-new geometry pipeline that unlocks novel rendering techniques by allowing developers to ...
if(versionString && strcmp(versionString, "120")==0) This check is never true, since versionString is always NULL or empty, even #version 120 is defined. Is it? That's strange. I need to debug this. "preproc" is supposed to fill in this one. Also, gl4es/src/gl/shaderconv.c...
Bypassing the input assembler necessitates off-loading vertex reuse computation into a pre-process. This avoids re-computing the reuse information every frame or draw-call over and over again. Instead it can be shared across multiple draw calls and frames. Removing the input assembler also means ...
Games from the pre-accelerator era often compiled sprites directly into functions, eliminating branching over transparent values and lowering to machine code that was basically a continuous stream of store operations. Developers would write sprite compiler tools using C or a scripting language which ...
That said, shaders are re-usable bits of code, and so one of the first things you can do when you start getting into shaders is to simply use pre-existing shaders that have been written by other people. Getting Started with Shaders ...
setFloat("time", 0); shaderMaterial.setVector3("cameraPosition", BABYLON.Vector3.Zero()); shaderMaterial.backFaceCulling = false; mesh.material = shaderMaterial; The material is ready to send you three pre-computed matrices (world, worldView and worldViewProjection). Vertices will come with ...
sections to the game. For those with less powerful computers, chunks can be preloaded. This often allows certain chunks not to be loaded, so the game will not waste resources on loading an area that will not be explored. What good is loading up parts of a game that aren’t used, ...
OptiFine 1.16.2 HD U G3 pre2: OptiFine 1.16.2 HD U G3 pre3: OptiFine 1.16.2 HD U G3 (Official) Minecraft Game version 1.15.2 OptiFine 1.15.2 HD U G1 pre1 OptiFine 1.15.2 HD U G1 pre2 OptiFine 1.15.2 HD U G1 pre3 ...