【转载】【Godot4】复刻宝可梦绿宝石 - Making a Pokémon Emerald Clone in Godot 5719 1 04:27 App 【转载】【Godot】有趣动作的秘密配方 - The SECRET FORMULA for juicy movements 4813 0 11:58 App 【转载】【Godot 4】网格回合策略游戏/战术引擎的开发 - Developing a tactics engine in Godot 4669...
Feeling confused by shaders or making the switch from another engine? We've got you. Dreaming of creating stunning visual effects or eager to understand and master shaders? Consider it done. With just a sprinkle of Godot basics and a dash of enthusiasm, you're set tocreate something visuall...
A large library of free and open-source shaders for the Godot game engine. Here, you'll get 2D and 3D shaders with playable demos. gameshadersgodot-enginegame-assetsgodot-shadergodot-shadersshader-secrets UpdatedFeb 27, 2025 GDScript
We’ll take you from “What’s a shader?” to “Check out this cool visual effect I made!” in no time.Jumpstart your journey with programming in Godot’s own shading language, moving swiftly from the basics to the cooler, more complex spells of the shader world. (GDScript, who? It’...
Every file needs to be checked and compared against the Godot 3 version to make sure it works correctly in Godot 4.3. The scenes, shaders, and GDScript files generally need to be updated to use the new features and syntax of the engine. ...
Looking for any help with shaders and VFX in the Godot game engine? You've come to the right place! I can create custom shaders for visual effects, advanced materials, post-processing image effects, procedural art, animations, and simulations and integrate them with GDscripts based on the ...
Part four of: #100348 Addresses six errors found in the scene shader files that relate to anisotropic specularity. Anisotropic specular highlights were warped compared to isotropic highlights, an...
Actions Projects5 Security Insights Additional navigation options New issue Merged Repiteomerged 1 commit intogodotengine:masterfromclayjohn:rd-shader-spam Dec 9, 2024 +32−8 Conversation3Commits1Checks20Files changed5 Member clayjohncommentedDec 6, 2024 ...
The margin properties don't help here. This could be fixed bygodotengine/godot-proposals#6506("Allow canvas groups to be used as textures"). However, because it makes certain full-screen custom shaders on CanvasGroups impossible, I think this is a bug or design mistake that needs to be ...
Tested versions 4.3 Stable System information Windows 10 x64 (But not related to the issue) Issue description Currently, Texture2DParameter is required in Visual Shaders to properly set Filtering, Texture Repeat, and more. There are no w...