If you’re using Minecraft Bedrock Edition and the pack is available for Bedrock/MCPE, you can simply click on the downloaded file to install it.Download the BSL shaders for Minecraft from the file section below. Pick the file that matches your Minecraft edition and version. Install Iris or...
When comparing the different shaders of Minecraft, each one ostensibly presents its qualities of graphic quality or configuration accessibility. But apart from these, BSL shaders have something else to argue: their perfection.BSL Shaders, designed by CaptTatsu, and they are already in their ...
BSL Shaders - Classic is a shaderpack made exclusively for Minecraft: Java Edition. It's oriented towards vanilla aesthetics. This shader includes realtime shadows, volumetric light, ambient occlusion, bloom, customizable clouds and water, and built in anti-aliasing. Additional effects are available...
Download BSL Shader Downloads What is BSL Shader? BSL Shaders may be a shader pack for Minecraft: Java Edition with high customization and headway. This shader incorporates adjustable ongoing shadows, volumetric light, encompassing impediment, sprout, cloud and water, and underlying enemy of associat...
Shaderpack for Minecraft: Java Edition. It's bright, colorful, and distinct. - Download the Minecraft Shader BSL Shaders by CaptTatsu on Modrinth
BSL Shaders光影包,提升光照亮度,夜晚光照效果,火把光照效果,看起了很棒哦! 光影预览 BSL Shaders 视频来自Youtube 光影安装使用说明以及常见问题: 查看详细:安装说明 材质下载地址: PS:(强烈建议海外玩家使用本光影包的官网下载地址下载本光影包,这也是对作者的一种支持。) ...
BSL Shaders支持版本:1.7.10 ~ 1.20.4配置要求:★★☆☆☆作者:capttatsu官网下载:https://www.bslshaders.comhttps://bitslablab.com/bslshaders/CurseForge下载:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/bsl-shadersModrinth下载:https://modrinth.com/shader/bsl-shadersMinecraft Shaders下载:https...
BSL Shaders AstraLex Shader(BSL Edit) SEUS v11(可能不兼容某些硬件) SEUS renewed(可能不兼容某些硬件) Skylec Shader 前置mod Sodium 如果不会安装Mod,请点击查看我的世界Mod安装教程。 如发现网盘资源被吞,或者网盘资源不存在,请在下方评论中说明,我们将会尽快进行修复。
AstraLex on CurseForge AstraLex on Minecraft Forum AstraLex on lextermina7.wixsite.com Join AstraLex Discord Server You might also like Complementary Shaders 1.20, 1.19.4 → 1.18.2 CaptTatsu’s BSL Shaders 1.20, 1.19.4 → 1.18.2 CrankerMan’s TME Shaders 1.20, 1.19.4 → 1.18.2 ...
光影链接:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/shaders/chocapic13-shaders/download/2906904(下载时会将chocapic13 v6全版本下载,将下载内容解压后就包含lite版本了)游戏版本:1.16.5forge版本:36.2.24... 分享73 我的世界吧 bjcsz233 求助,光影小白1.19 curseforge下的complementary shader 分享回复赞 我的世界...