2012. The impact of light intensity on shade-induced leaf senescence. Plant, Cell and Environment 35, 1084-1098.B. Brouwer, A. Ziolkowska, M. Bagard, O. Keech, and P. Gardestro¨m, "The impact of light intensity on shade-induced leaf senescence," Plant, Cell and Environment, vol. ...
The low R:FR-induced expression of these fiveRTFLgenes was decreased inpif7-1,pif7-2, andpifq(pif1pif3pif4pif5) mutant plants, suggesting that their transcripts were positively regulated by PIFs (Fig.1f). By evaluating published ChIP-sequencing data on PIF7 and PIF430,31, we found that...
Plants were dried at 60 °C to constant weight. All grains of all spikes per pot were counted and weighed and grain yield was reported in g m−2. Photosynthesis parameters Photosynthetic light response curves were measured during the flowering period in the middle part of the first leaf ...
Two different plant strategies exist to deal with shade:shade avoidanceand shade tolerance. All shade-exposed plants optimize photosynthesis to adapt to the decrease in light quality and quantity. When shaded, most species in open habitats express the shade-avoidance syndrome, a growth response to ...
Changes in morphological structure, including increased plant height, petiole elongation, and evident apical dominance, could help plants to avoid canopy cover and increase the specific leaf area to improve the ability of light energy interception, allow for early flowering and senescence, complete ...
in the two conifer species with contrasting responses to shade. We considered only the R and FR light qualities in this experiment as these are the two main responsible elements that plants use to determine shade conditions and respond accordingly. Plants se...
Cis-elements enriched in more than 6 clusters or with functions associated with light signaling were shown in Fig. 2. K7, K8 and K1 represent shade-induced DTGs (Fig. 1d). One striking common feature of them is significant enrichment of I-box, the evening element, CCA1 binding site, and...
Huang, "Suppression of shade- or heat-induced leaf senescence in creeping bentgrass through transformation with the ipt gene for cytokinin synthesis," Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, vol. 134, no. 6, pp. 602-609, 2009....
Leaf Senescence Is Different in Tall Fescue Induced by Salinity and Shade.Yang Gao
Transcriptional modules and hormonal metabolic pathways reveal the critical role ofTgHB12-likein the regulation of flower opening and petal senescence inTulipa gesneriana ArticleOpen access30 May 2024 Background Plants utilize external cues to precisely coordinate their growth and development with environment...