These beautiful compact perennials can be used as ground covers for shade to add interest to your garden while helping to keep the weeds down.
That’s it for our favorite shade loving evergreen perennials. Hopefully you’ve found a few that will work for your garden. Other shade plants you might like Evergreen shrubs for shade Ground cover perennials for shade Perennials that thrive in dry shade gardens Tall shade perennials Have comm...
Carolyn’s Shade Gardens is a retail nursery in Bryn Mawr, PA, U.S., zone 6b/7a. If you are interested in shopping here, send us an email with your full name, mailing address, and cell number to and indicate if you are interested in hellebores/hostas ...
evergreen creeping phlox makes an excellent groundcover with gorgeous purple, blue, pink or white flowers, depending on which cultivar you plant. In the River, we have planted a large part of our snowdrop collection, which blooms December through March before the phlox flowers extend...
daisy-like blooms in the early spring. A fast spreader (but not invasive) that forms a dense mat, this North American native plant is a must for any shade garden with a lot of ground to cover. Topping out at just 6 inches tall, the plants are hardy in zones 5 to 9. (Source for...
in moist soil. Creeping Jenny is perennial in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 to 8. Another small-leaved ground cover that's safe for dogs, plumbago (Ceratostigma plumbaginoides) is a more compact plant that grows best in USDA zones 5 to 9 and prefers somewhat more...
Walking back uphill towards the woodland, you pass our River of Phlox ‘Sherwood Purple’. Native, evergreen creeping phlox makes an excellent groundcover with gorgeous purple, blue, pink or white flowers, depending on which cultivar you plant. In the River, we have planted a large part of ...
Another group of perennials with attractive but much larger leaves are the plantain lilies (Hosta), of which there are several interesting ‘species. All give of their best where the ground is moist, producing white or blue flowers on long spike-like stalks during the summer. The’ fern-like...
Dianthus are low-growing, almost ground-cover-like perennials and produce cascading “carpets” of tiny flowers. Our Firewitch Dianthus perennials are the very first flowers we see in the spring. They continue blooming throughout the spring and then again in the fall. If you need the perfect...
While some jasmine plants, like winter jasmine, tolerate shaded conditions, the star jasmine is a shade-loving vine. With the potential to act as a ground cover, this versatile plant is ideal for use in areas that receive lower levels of sunlight. Famili