我想使用 ShadCN 创建两个 Select 组件。我希望这些选择彼此之间具有依赖关系。这意味着为类别选择值后,子类别的选择将相应地填充过滤后的数据。这一步效果很好。但是,当我单击提交表单时,类别好像是空值,我相信这是因为我在 onValueChange 事件中使用自定义句柄函数,而不是使用 ...
I have a button with action to set a sorting on select input. On that button i change the value on useState from latest -> price-low-high. When the button clicked the value inside render-value class changed. but the default value for the...
I retrieved the expense from the redux state and the set the default values for the respective fields which work for others apart from the Select. TheSelectTriggerdoes not display anything. But when another value is selected, it displays the selected value. However it fails ...
const [page, setPage] = useState({ label: '25', value: '25' }); Code view Below is the code snippet for the component responsible for the page-size dropdown: export default function SelectDropDown({ options, placeholder, ...props }: TProps) { return ( <Select {...pr...
You shouldn't have to reimplement QueryBuilder, RuleGroup, or Rule, but you would need to reimplement ActionElement, ValueSelector, and ValueEditor (and, depending on your configuration, DragHandle, NotToggle, and ShiftActions). The most complex of those is ValueEditor; the others are relative...
{"select"}header={({table})=>(<Table.CheckAlloptions={[bulkDeleteAction(table)]}table={table}/>)}cell={({row})=>(<CheckboxclassName="translate-y-[2px]"checked={row.getIsSelected()}onCheckedChange={(value)=>row.toggleSelected(!!value)}aria-label="Select row"key={`checkbox-${row....
marketing_emails: z.boolean().default(false).optional(), security_emails: z.boolean(), }) export default function Home() { const form = useForm<z.infer<typeof FormSchema>>({ resolver: zodResolver(FormSchema), defaultValues: { security_emails: true, ...
{ value: 'lara@croft.com', label: 'lara@croft.com' }, ]; export default function SelectScreen() { const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState<SelectOption | null>(null); const renderItem: RenderSelectItem = React.useCallback( ({ item, index }) => <SelectItem item={item} index...
progress-with-value.tsx responsive-modal.tsx select.tsx sheet.tsx spinner.tsx steppers.tsx table.tsx tabs.tsx textarea.tsx theme-provider.tsx toast.tsx toaster.tsx use-toast.ts lib public .eslintrc.json .gitignore .prettierrc LICENSE.md README.md components.json netlify.toml next-sitemap.con...
Describe the bug The Select component is not maintaining its selected value after a page reload, even when the value is being saved to and retrieved from localStorage. Affected component/components Select How to reproduce 1- Create a new...