name="button-link" description="A button using the link variant." /> ### Icon <ComponentPreview name="button-icon" /> <ComponentPreview name="button-icon" description="An icon button" /> ### With Icon <ComponentPreview name="button-with-icon" /> <ComponentPreview name="button-with-ico...
Design system made with love and inspired by Shadcn UI. This UI kit offers a variety of customizable components to assist you in your projects. Main benefits: Manageable: You can easily modify everything without going deep into the component. Well-documented: All necessary links are provided. ...
View Shadcn UI is a Vue3 component library built on Tailwind CSS. - feat(button): fixed the icon abnormality caused by setting the size i… · devlive-community/view-shadcn-ui@6d4bd4f
map((project) => ( <SidebarMenuItem key={}> <SidebarMenuButton asChild> <a href={project.url}> <project.icon /> <span>{}</span> </a> </SidebarMenuButton> </SidebarMenuItem> ))} </SidebarMenu> </SidebarGroupContent> </SidebarGroup> </SidebarContent> </...
これで環境の準備は完了です。npx shadcn-ui@latest add buttonのように実行することでボタンコンポーネントをsrc/components/uiに生成してくれます(CLIを用いない場合でも公式サイトで対象のコンポーネントのコードをコピーして利用できます)。
按上图所示先选择类型,然后我们引入一下button组件试一下,我们使用pmpm dlx 命令可以在web的项目目录下载button组件到web/src/components 然后修改一下app/page.tsx文件,我们直接使用button组件看看 import{Button}from"web/src/components/ui/button";exportdefaultfunctionHome() {return(<mainclassName="flex min-h...
components feat(comment): 帖子回复使用表单isSubmitting状态,去除三个字以上才能发帖的限制 1年前 constants feat(theme): 添加light主题颜色 1年前 lib feat(comment): 帖子回复使用表单isSubmitting状态,去除三个字以上才能发帖的限制 1年前 public feat(theme): 添加light主题颜色 1年前 .gitignore feat(auth)...
spinner className='mr-2 h-4 w-4 animate-spin' />} // Show loading icon if isLoading is true Sign Up </Button> </div> </form> </Form> ) } This component encapsulates a user registration form, utilizing react-hook-form for form state management and Zod for schema ...
<Cross2Icon className="h-4 w-4" /> <span className="sr-only">Close</span> </button> </DialogPrimitive.Content> </DialogPortal> ) }) InterceptedDialogContent.displayName = DialogPrimitive.Content.displayName export InterceptedDialogContent ...
Thebuttonandscroll-areaare all set when using the command above but we need to add one more file to the/uifolder calledtoaster.tsxwith the following code: "use client" import { Toast, ToastClose, ToastDescription, ToastProvider, ToastTitle, ...