Our wavefront sensors measure optical elements, optical assemblies and lasers with high accuracy and precision. Test at DUV, VIS, NIR, SWIR, MWIR, LWIR wavelengths, on-axis and off-axis.
Our wavefront sensors measure optical elements, optical assemblies and lasers with high accuracy and precision. Test at DUV, VIS, NIR, SWIR, MWIR, LWIR wavelengths, on-axis and off-axis.
Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor Selection Guidea Item # Prefix(Sensor Head) Type Max Speedb Sensor Size WavefrontAccuracyb WavefrontSensitivityb WFS31 General Purpose Up to 76 fps 11.25 mm x 7.03 mm Up to λ/60 Up to λ/200 WFS40 Large Aperture Up to 98 fps 11.26 mm x 11.26 mm Up ...
该成果发表在《Light: Science & Applications》,题为“Meta Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor with large sampling density and large angular field of view: Phase imaging of complex objects”。韩国科学技术院(KAIST)的Gi-Hyun Go和...
Yusuke Saita, Hironobu Shinto, and Takanori Nomura, "Holographic Shack–Hartmann wavefront sensor based on the correlation peak displacement detection method for wavefront sensing with large dynamic range," Optica 2, 411-415 (2015) Hongfeng Xu and Jigang Wu, "Extended-aperture Hartmann wavefront se...
Shack‑Hartmann 原理如下图所示:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shack%E2%80%93Hartmannn_wavefront_sensor 该测量不能被视为绝对结果,而是被视为与参考波前(通常是平面波)进行比较的相对变形。然后根据每个小透镜发出的局部结果重建整个波前。Zern...
A device and method that belongs to the field of Shack-Hartmann (S-H) wavefront detection, more specifically an adaption of the S-H sensor, with an attachment of customized focusing relay optics, onto opto-mechanical measurement instrument for the alignment and measurement of an optical systems...
函数的变量为p和 θ' 。把重组函数分解为zernike多项式,那么我们就测量出入射光的像差了,也就是展开的多项式前面的系数。 参考资料: 【1】https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql26-ywbp4g 【2】https://www.rp-photonics.com/shack_hartmann_wavefront_sensors.html...
Shack‑Hartmann 原理如下图所示:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shack%E2%80%93Hartmannn_wavefront_sensor 该测量不能被视为绝对结果,而是被视为与参考波前(通常是平面波)进行比较的相对变形。然后根据每个小透镜发出的局部结果重建整个波前。Zernike多项式可用于区分和量化眼睛产生的像差类型。
Keywords:Hartmannwave-frontdetector;detectingcentroid;arrayspot;thresholdmethod;windowmethod 20世纪初,德国物理学家JohannesHartmann 在测定物镜几何相差实验时,在检测物镜前放置一 块按照一定规律进行排列的小孔光阑,当光束穿过 此光阑后会被分割成许多细小的光束,因此,只要在 被测物镜焦面的前后两垂直光轴截面上测得各...