Shabu Shabu House Restaurant点评(20 条) 人均¥135 主打日式涮锅的餐厅,食材新鲜汤底鲜美。 推荐菜 牛肉火锅 鳗鱼卷 牛肋眼肉 电话:(213) 680-3890 地址:127 Japanese Village Plaza Mall, Los Angeles, CA 90012 简介: 主打日式火锅,食材新鲜,菜品及肉类以套餐形式为主。
Located in the heart of Little Tokyo, Shabu Shabu House is one the oldest restaurants in this plaza. Shabu Shabu House known for their Traditional Japanese Shabu. It’s a small restaurant and in the middle you can see a butcher slicing the meat. The meat is high quality and sliced supper...
餐厅详情 相册13 Shabu Shabu House RestaurantShabu-Shabu House 5分 3条点评人均¥151日本料理 营业中 17:30-20:30 可外带 电话 127 Japanese Village Plaza Mall, Los Angeles, CA 90012 加载中 推荐菜(8) 查看全部 鳗鱼卷 胡萝卜 金针菇 豆腐 牛肉火锅 味增锅 牛肋眼肉 西子豆腐 用户...
Monday - Sunday & Day before holiday & Holiday 11:00 - 23:00(L.O.22:30) Close Irregular holidays Average price Lunch: 1,000 JPY Dinner: 2,500 JPY Service Offer All you can eat menu All you can drink menu You can check the restaurant information in the phone. Related Info...
Shabu Restaurant is a intimate dining experience from JP Fuji Group. Clean ingredients make hot pot great for vegans, vegetarians, and other restrictive diets.
Restaurant Shabu Shabu 强强滚 is a eat all you can type of shabu shabu restaurant at Bandar Puteri, Puchong. Shabu Shabu is actually a Japanese dish whereby sliced beef are cooked in a pot of boiling soup on the dining table, just like Chinese’s hot pot / steamboat. ...
点评用户“九月小鹿”对【Shabu Shabu House Restaurant】的评价:在小东京,是套餐,小份20美元,10片肉,大份15片肉,22美元,都配上蔬菜拼盘,有豆腐、银丝粉、白菜、茼蒿、...
Restaurant Shabu Shabu点评(9 条) 电话:5144892777 地址:6180 rue Saint-Jacques, 蒙特利尔魁北克 加拿大周边景点 周边购物 4.8km 蒙特利尔美术博物馆 艺术博物馆 2.4km Rue Ste. Catherine 建筑人文 4.9km Maison Saint-Gabriel 历史遗址 923m Olympic Basin (Basin Olympique) 海洋 ...
去哪儿网攻略社区为自由行、自助游用户提供A B Shabu Restaurant旅游攻略,包括A B Shabu Restaurant点评、门票、地址、交通等实用信息,以及真实用户原创的游记和经验分享,实地拍摄的A B Shabu Restaurant图片
Open everyday Year end & New Year holidays(December 31, 2024 - January 1, 2025) Average price Dinner: 3,000 JPY Service Offer All you can eat menu All you can drink menu You can check the restaurant information in the phone. Related Info...