Located in the heart of Little Tokyo, Shabu Shabu House is one the oldest restaurants in this plaza. Shabu Shabu House known for their Traditional Japanese Shabu. It’s a small restaurant and in the middle you can see a butcher slicing the meat. The meat is high quality and sliced supper...
Shabu Shabu House Restaurant点评(20 条) 人均¥135 主打日式涮锅的餐厅,食材新鲜汤底鲜美。 推荐菜 牛肉火锅 鳗鱼卷 牛肋眼肉 电话:(213) 680-3890 地址:127 Japanese Village Plaza Mall, Los Angeles, CA 90012 简介: 主打日式火锅,食材新鲜,菜品及肉类以套餐形式为主。
aWent to downtown L.A for a quick meeting, been craving for some Shabu Shabu and decided to eat lunch at one of the restaurants (sorry no pics:( food was soooo good! ) and before going home we ended up walking around Japan Town aka Little Tokyo after and checked out some stores…On...