Terracotta shabti Pottery shabti (1 of 4) - Thebes, Deir el Bahari (Cache 2) - owner - Djed-Maat-iwes-ankh - 21st Dynasty. Pottery, painted white, details added in black.
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必应词典为您提供shabti的释义,网络释义: 沙博提;夏勃梯;萨布堤;
Download 3D ModelAdd toEmbedShareReport Triangles:2.5M Vertices:1.3M More model information Terracotta shabti Pottery shabti (1 of 4) - Thebes, Deir el Bahari (Cache 2) - owner - Djed-Maat-iwes-ankh - 21st Dynasty. Pottery, painted white, details added in black. ...
Brad Majors、Robert Brooks - Shabti 专辑: Hieroglyphs 歌手:Brad Majors 还没有歌词哦Brad Majors、Robert Brooks - Shabti / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 Shabti Brad Majors、Robert Brooks 12:13Mac版酷狗音乐已更新 就是歌多 详情 下载 ...
古代埃及,新帝國 Faience Shabti 為 Iryry 創作 Shabti 回到原文 由Google翻譯翻譯 埃及綠色彩陶烏沙卜蒂雕像,描繪了奧西里斯在來世時拿著兩把鋤頭耕種土地的情景。他戴著一頂長假髮。只有他的雙手交叉在胸前,從覆蓋全身的木乃伊裹屍布中伸出。屍體上刻有一列垂直的象形文字,翻譯如下:「牧師塞姆的歐西里斯,偉大的工匠...
Shabti from important finds. World's largest database of fully displayed ancient Egyptian Papyri. Learn how to determine the age of a shabti.
Shabti from important finds. World's largest database of fully displayed ancient Egyptian Papyri. Learn how to determine the age of a shabti.
试用预计金额计算器 A green glazed shabti, possibly royal, wearing bag wig, with details in dark brown glaze -- 4¼in. (10.8cm.) high,Dynasty XXII (945-712 B.C.); the upper part of a shabti for Admiral Psamtek-merenptah, mounted -- 5in. (12.7cm.) high,Dynasty XXVI (664-525...