Shabbat Times for New York CityNew York City, New York, USACandle lighting: 6:51pm on Friday, Mar 21 Shabbat Parah occurs on Saturday, Mar 22 This week’s Torah portion is Parashat Vayakhel Havdalah: 7:51pm on Saturday, Mar 22
During that time, he tried to warn people as they mocked him. Noah equipped his Ark with food to last for a long time, with animals, with his family. And when the time came, the Ark closed and G-d did what he had to do to wash away the Hamas. Noah, Mrs. Noah and family came...
with two days off, many people still work on the weekends, or set that time aside for chores and errands. Maybe they go to a prayer service, or have a family dinner, but they don’t spend a full day (and certainly nottwodays) napping or reading or taking nature walks; instead, they...
This past November, an Aeroflot flight delayed by New York weather landed in Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport (SVO) on Friday afternoon, leaving little time for its passengers to catch their subsequent flights before Shabbat. Luckily, as reported, RabbiYakovandSashi Fridman, who run...
After studying in yeshiva for a time, he became aware of the need to go through an Orthodox conversion in order to confirm his Jewish status. However, “I consider myself much more of aba’al teshuva[a Jew who becomes newly observant or returns to observance] than ager[convert],” he ...
And while I am nearing completion on a few new ones that I hope to... 10 years ago What's Annoying Jews Today Trayf of the Week: Bacon Jam - Just when you thought it was safe to eat your bagels in mixed company, comes this devilish concoction. Next time a Goyishe friend ...
22 Questions About Time and Timekeeping Answered New Seven Wonders of the World TheJewish religious year inJudaisminThe Judaic tradition Written by Haim Zalman Dimitrovsky Professor of Talmud, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Editor and translator ofBava metzia. ...