Question: What does Kabbalat Shabbat mean? Sabbath: The Jewish Sabbath falls every Friday night at sunset and is marked by the lighting of two candles in the home. The Sabbath is a day of rest and includes special prayers at temple and meals with family and friends. The Sabbath ends on ...
if you were unable to you may finish it later and still fulfill your obligation. If you were unable to finish it during Shabbos, you have until Wednesday. If you were unable to finish it by Wednesday, you can also do it any time until the Jewish year ends and the cycle...
“What is he singing?” one asked. As I explained the lyrics' meaning, it occurred to me: these young women may not have understood the song’s meaning, but their souls most certainly did. Passover, for the first time at age 30 He wouldn’t let me take his picture, but he did al...
During this time they were to remove all leaven from their homes for seven days, eat matzah, and retell the story of their redemption to their children. The portion ends with the commandment to wear "tefillin" (phylacteries) on the arm and head as a reminder of how the LORD saved the...
We don't all have to take our break at the same time. In fact, it might help to be able to give your phone to a friend or significant other for the day, so they can let you know if there's an urgent message and respond on your behalf (like a Tech Shabbatshabbos goy). Both ...
nature and coincidences. Fighting against Amalek needs the weapon ofemunahas thepassuksaysויהי ידיו אמונהMoshe’s hands were faithful. The Torah describes the hands of the human body in terms ofemunahbecause faith only starts where logic ends. Only the hands...
. Today is the last opportunity and closing date to file for their acceptance before Hashem. It is utterly unimaginable of the incredible powerful effect and persuasion that all these past tefillos will have if they are successfully released and are allowed to come before Hashem at one time....