Shaban 英[ʃə'ba:n] 释义 舍尔邦月(伊斯兰教历八月)
Shaban/ʃə'ba:n/ 添加到生词本 英汉-汉英词典 ( 斯兰教历八 ) 用户正在搜索 agmatite-gnesis,agmina,agminate,AGMS,AGN,agnail,agname,agnate,Agnatha,agnathan, 相似单词 SGX,sh,SHA,Shaanxi,Shaba,Shaban,Shabbat,shabbily,shabbiness,shabble, ...
Khamis Abu Shaban had finally risked returning to the music school at which he taught - and which owns the piano - a few months into the current conflict. From BBC "I am trying to leave for Rafah but the tanks are now very near to the coast and are firing toward the west," Shaban...
The meaning of SHABAN is the eighth month of the Islamic year.
必应词典为您提供shaban的释义,网络释义: 牧羊人沙班;回历八月;舍尔邦月;
Diey Laia - Shaban
Shaban 听听怎么读 [ʃəˈbɑ:n] 是什么意思 释义 舍尔邦月(伊斯兰教历八月); 学习怎么用 权威例句 沙安 可用传输容量计算的分层算法研究 Information fusion in a cooperative multi-agent system for Web information retrieval [microform] Analyzing Climatic and Hydrologic Trends in Lebanon...
•可以控制的角色不止沙班一种,尚有羊羊。 第一章:在家 •一进来就有问你是不是进行简短教程。 •拿上背包(A)。 •然后下楼梯(B)。 •拿磁铁(C)。 •看看羊圈上的标志牌(D)。 •然后向左走(E)。 •看看传送器控制面板(F)。 •注意到左上的表盘少了两个按钮,并且被设置到了35(G)...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Shaban Thesaurus Wikipedia (ʃəˈbɑːn; ʃɑː-)or Shaaban n (Islam) the eighth month of the Muslim year [from Arabicsha'bān] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Editio...