Ruby SHA2.digest_length用法及代码示例本文简要介绍ruby语言中 Digest::SHA2.digest_length 的用法。 用法digest_length→ Integer返回散列值(摘要)的长度(以字节为单位)。 * 8 # => 256 * 8 # => 384
I have some python code, hash_object = hashlib.sha256(b'Hello World') hex_dig = hash_object.hexdigest() cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) plain = cipher.decrypt( cipher ) but, I have an error - ValueError: AES key must be either 16, 24, or 32 bytes long But, ...
Remove PG_SHA*_DIGEST_STRING_LENGTH from sha2.h The last reference to those variables has been removed in aef8948, so this cleans up a bit the code. Discussion: --- master Details ---