解释“does not verify: payload sha256 digest: bad”错误信息 这个错误信息“does not verify: payload sha256 digest: bad”通常出现在数据验证或安全传输的上下文中,特别是在处理加密数据或数字签名时。它意味着接收方尝试验证一个通过SHA-256算法生成的哈希摘要(digest)时,发现提供的哈希值与通过相同算法计算出...
We can also create the file’s checksum to detect any possible change in the file by third parties e.g. license files. We provide licenses to clients which they may upload to their servers. We can cross-verify the file’s checksum to verify that the license file has not been modified a...
namespace SignVerify { public class SignVerifyEnvelope { public static void Main(String[] args) { try { CryptoConfig.AddAlgorithm(typeof(RSAPKCS1SHA256SignatureDescription), "https://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256"); // Generate a signing key. RSACryptoServiceProvider Key = ...
Size { // This should not happen when called from within this package. We // don't use ciphers that need more than 32 bytes of key data. return nil, errKeyDataToLarge } // We need a temporary buffer to save the contents of the stream tempBuffer, err := newSecureTempBuffer() if ...