“sh: unzip: command not found”错误的含义 当在终端或命令行界面(CLI)中看到“sh: unzip: command not found”的错误消息时,这意味着系统无法找到名为unzip的命令。unzip是一个常用的命令行工具,用于解压缩.zip格式的文件。此错误通常发生在unzip工具尚未安装在当前操作系统上的情况下。 可能的解决方案 安装unz...
Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.solr.cloud.ZkCLI 异常原因: 想执行 solrhome 配置文件上传命令: ./zkcli.sh -zkhost -cmd upconfig -confdir /usr/local/solr-cloud/solrhome01/collection1/conf/ -confname myconf 但是系统没有安装 unzip 和 zip 应用,所以报错。
raiseCommandNotFound(path)sh.CommandNotFound:./compile.sh # Command failed:/usr/bin/python3-m pythonforandroid.toolchain create--dist_name=myapp--bootstrap=sdl2--requirements=python3,kivy,pafy,time,threading,vlc,kivymd,yt_mod_1,sys--arch armeabi-v7a--copy-libs--color=always--storage-dir="...
Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.solr.cloud.ZkCLI 异常原因: 想执行 solrhome 配置文件上传命令: ./zkcli.sh -zkhost -cmd upconfig -confdir /usr/local/solr-cloud/solrhome01/collection1/conf/ -confname myconf 但是系统没有安装 unzip 和 zip 应用,所以报错。
# default will symlink if command does not exist in path.# # - INSTALL_K3S_SKIP_ENABLE # If set to true will not enable or start k3s service.# # - INSTALL_K3S_SKIP_START # If set to true will not start k3s service.#
ZIPFILE="/tmp/nps/nps.tar.gz" nps_RUNNING=0 VSRC_ROOT="/tmp/nps" EXTRACT_ONLY=0 CMD_INSTALL="" CMD_UPDATE="" SOFTWARE_UPDATED=0 SYSTEMCTL_CMD=$(command -v systemctl 2>/dev/null) SERVICE_CMD=$(command -v service 2>/dev/null) CHECK="" ...
I have unzipped the .zip file in /usr/lib, and cd'd to the boost_1_45_0 folder. I then run: sudo ./boostrap.sh --help And I get the following error: sudo: ./bootstrap.sh: command not found I don't understand why this is, as bootstrap.sh is clearly there...
Files master 01PPT age binning cancer history makefile result result12 seq temp .gitignore 0Install.sh 1Pipeline.sh 2StatPlot.sh 2StatPlot_mac.sh 3Init.sh EasyMetagenome.Rproj LICENSE README.md
jenv: no such command `list' ~/Applications 21:01:37 ❯ jenv versions * system (set by /Users/sh00533ml/.jenv/version) 1.8 openjdk64- ~/Applications 21:01:41 ❯ jenv global 1.8 ~/Applications 21:01:55
echo "Missing zip, please install it!"exit 1 fi if [ "$(unamer)" = "Darwin" ]; then if [ "$(which clang)" = "" ] || [ "$(clang -v 2>&1 | grep "no developer")" != "" ] || [ "$(git -v 2>&1 | grep "no developer")" != "" ]; then ...