一般在调用sh文件的时候,什么情况会报这个错误! java.io.IOException: /script/ts.sh: cannot execute at java.lang.UNIXProcess.forkAndExec(Native Method) at java.lang.UNIXProcess.<init>(UNIXProcess.java:72) at java.lang.Runtime.execInternal(Native Method) at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Runtime.j...
sudo apt-getinstall dos2unix -y dos2unix test.sh sudo chmod u+x test.sh && sudo ./test.sh 参考:http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/144718/sudo-unable-to-execute-script-sh-no-such-file-or-directory
Execute sh script 失败 Execute shscript失败 问题现象 日志信息提示“没有那个文件或目录”。 原因分析 Shell脚本路径填写错误。 处理方法 核查Shell脚本的路径输入,确保路径和文件名都没有问题。 父主题: 执行Shell脚本 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → Executing powershell script 失败 ...
[root@lir-rac1 install]# /u01/app/ Running Oracle 11g root.sh script... The following environment variables are set as: ORACLE_OWNER= grid ORACLE_HOME= /u01/app/ Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]: The file "dbho...
Execute sh script 失败 更新时间:2023-01-09 GMT+08:00 查看PDF 问题现象 日志信息提示“没有那个文件或目录”。 原因分析 Shell脚本路径填写错误。 处理方法 核查Shell脚本的路径输入,确保路径和文件名都没有问题。 意见反馈 文档内容是否对您有帮助?
前三个是表示在当前的父shell中生成一个子shell来运行*.sh文件 sh test.sh bash test.sh ...
# Check if script is run with force-interactive mode in CI if [[ -n "${CI-}" && -n "${INTERACTIVE-}" ]] then abort "Cannot run force-interactive mode in CI."fi # Check if both `INTERACTIVE` and `NONINTERACTIVE` are set ...
A shebang is only relevant when a script has the execute permission (e.g. chmod u+x script.sh). When a shell executes the script it will use the specified interpreter. Example: #!/bin/bash # file: foo.sh echo 1 $ chmod u+x foo.sh $ ./foo.sh 1 Share Improve this answer Fol...
To execute a command during the ESXi boot process, modify the local.sh file located at the /etc/rc.local.d/ directory. To modify the local.sh file: Open the local.sh file using the vi editor. Add the command to be executed above the line exit 0. For example: #!/bin/sh # loc...
# script execution with code 1.error_exit() { echo "$1" 1>&2 exit 1 } # Function usage prints the note about how to use the script.# # TODO(e.burkov): Document each option.usage() { echo 'install.sh: usage: [-c channel] [-C cpu_type] [-h] [-O os] [-o output...