当你遇到 sh: react-scripts: command not found 这个错误时,通常意味着 react-scripts 这个包没有被安装在你的项目依赖中,或者它的安装位置没有被加入到系统的环境变量 PATH 中。下面是一些步骤和建议来帮助你解决这个问题: 1. 确认 react-scripts 是否已正确安装 首先,你需要确认 react-scripts 是否已经作为你...
If things are not working and you still encounter the error “sh 1 react-scripts: command not found” error, compare your‘package.json’file to below code and make sure the‘react-scripts’package is present in the‘dependencies’code-block or object. {"dependencies":{// make sure it con...
91 react-scripts: command not found 14 'sh' is not recognized as an internal or external command 4 create-react-app - react-scripts: command not found 4 How to resolve sh: react-scripts: command not found? 3 sh: react-scripts: command not found 3 Npm start problem w...
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40546231/sh-react-scripts-command-not-found-after-running-npm-start react-scripts命令无法找到,简直莫名其妙。。。 网友建议是删掉modules重新npm 然而我重新npm后报错,因为node-sass4.5.3版本本来就有bug,需要开发者自己去下载某个文件。。。 好吧我先把node-sass单独拿掉, ...
实战 \ 跨平台应用ReactNative+TypeScript仿喜马拉雅开发App /bin/sh: react-native: command not found 老师: 我下载这个项目源代码 ,也是切换到相应目录运行始终这个错,而我自己在相同目录是可以创建项目也是可以运行的,react-native是有的。为什么找不到这个环境?
我正在从另一个容器执行一个命令docker ps -a | grep <imagename>。它显示了sh: docker: command not found 有人能支持我吗? 浏览1提问于2017-08-21得票数 1 1回答 sh: not脚本:找不到命令 、、、 : react脚本:命令没有找到npm错误!这可能不是npm的问题。上面可能还有额外的日志输出。国家预防机制错误...
Node or React Native: node 15.12.0, RN: 0.63.2 Client OS & Version: MacOS 11.2.3, M1 macbook pro Which debugger for React Native: None XCode version: 12.4 MrJune15, thespacemanatee, and woutor reacted with thumbs up emoji 👍 ...
Hi, I get the error "/bin/sh: 1: powershell: not found" in the OUTPUT tab in Visual Studio Code Version 1.53.0 when i try to run simple script in a new file which is open in the editor. does the "w... Hiarendkolk,
build with react error bin sh build命令未找到 Vue create application给出/bin/sh: pnpm:未找到命令 linux /bin/sh linux bin/sh linux bin sh linux /bin/sh Docker运行错误: /bin/sh: 1: python: not found Docker -安装Composer /bin/sh: 1: php:未找到curl:(23)写入body失败(0 != 16133) ...
I get the error "/bin/sh: 1: powershell: not found" in the OUTPUT tab in Visual Studio Code Version 1.53.0 when i try to run simple script in a new file which is open in the editor. does the "which pwsh" output "/opt/microsoft/powershell/7/pwsh" have anyt...