which leads to more spreading from Gyre's damage spreading abilities, as well as buffing the hell out of the contagion damage with Wrathful Advance to send em packin'. So far, I'm REALLY happy with the results, there's just something missing, or I'm trying to slap too much onto her....
Gyre is a great Frame. Good CC with her abundance of Electric procs, which coupled with her Crits allow her to do plenty of damage. But as many others have pointed out, she just needs some tweaks to her survivability (other than subsuming Gloom and calli
专辑名:Sonini 歌手:S'BO Gyre、Dali Danger 发行时间:2023-11-24 简介:Sonini, the first single from Entertainment Specialist, S’BO GYRE is a collaboration with Vosloruus native artist creator Dali Danger. Sonini, a Nguni praise-name for God, is produced by LTO and SiyaCee of Audio Add...
近日,北京康蒂尼药业股份有限公司(以下简称“康蒂尼”)的控股公司Gyre Therapeutics, Inc.,在资本市场传来喜讯,成功获得中泰证券股份有限公司的“增持”评级。这一评级不仅彰显了资本市场对GYRE及其子公司康蒂尼未来发展潜力的高度认可,也进一步巩固了康蒂尼在纤维化治疗领域的领先地位。同时,康蒂尼还凭借其卓越的创新...
Latest Gyre Therapeutics Inc (L9S:STU) share price with interactive charts, historical prices, comparative analysis, forecasts, business profile and more.
Gyre Therapeutics Inc (L9S:STU) company profile with history, revenue, mergers & acquisitions, peer analysis, institutional shareholders and more.
Gyre 通过带电线圈与发射器的传导性来消灭敌人,Gyre 的电击可对敌人施加群体控制。她是优雅理论的化身。 等级 0 30 生命值 270 370 护盾 550 650 护甲 105 105 能量 190 240 游玩风格 角色: 群体控制技能 难易度: 提示 如果施放「旋爆视界」时直接击中了敌人,则会将其击倒。由于该技能的吸取效果不是即时生...